Boosting Team Morale: Company Outing Ideas Your Team Will Never Forget
As a business owner, you have probably faced challenges with company morale. You understand how your employees feel about your company directly impacts your bottom line. You don’t want to spend time and money replacing employees due to high turnover. One idea you may have considered includes searching for company outing ideas. These are some…
August 24, 2023
Capturing the Moment: Top Photography Tips for Whale-Watching Yacht Charters
A whale-watching yacht tour can provide more than just memories of nature’s beauty. Novice photographers can snap some fantastic photos with no equipment but a smartphone. Follow some easy photography tips, ensure you’re on the proper settings, and consider your background to take frame-worthy pictures on a whale-watching tour. Photography Tips for Beginners Photography is…
August 23, 2023
C-Suite Cruising: Hosting Executive Meetings and Corporate Conferences on a Private Charter
You may use corporate events to celebrate key achievements, honor employees or hold company meetings or conferences. However, you may want to forego the traditional picnic or meeting hall for a truly memorable meeting. More and more companies have chosen to see these meetings and conferences as an investment. These are some hosting ideas you…
August 22, 2023
Everything You Need To Know About Fin Whales: Habitat, Appetite, Vocalizations
The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society calls fin whales the “greyhound of the sea.” These massive creatures, the second largest whale after the blue whale, are also called finners, finbacks, razorbacks, and herring whales. They’re beautiful animals with long, slender bodies that can grow up to 80 feet long. Fin whales are fast. They’re big,…
August 22, 2023
Set Sail on a Bachelorette Yacht: San Diego’s Ultimate VIP Experience
Bachelorette parties are more than just a pre-wedding ritual. These trips and activities unite the bride’s friends across her life stages and create memories that last a lifetime. Take full advantage of the occasion by planning things to do for the bachelorette party in a sunny and relaxing locale. San Diego has hundreds of attractions,…
August 5, 2023
Experience the Best of San Diego Summers: Must-See Places and Chartering Experiences
Summer vacations are the best time to escape the grind of everyday life and bond with friends and loved ones. Instead of visiting an expensive theme park only to wait in line for most of your trip, consider taking a trip to scenic and activity-packed San Diego. San Diego has plenty of unforgettable attractions, from…
August 3, 2023
The Endangered Status Of Blue Whales: Understanding The Threats And Conservation Efforts
Education and widespread attention to the issue has helped reinforce efforts to protect endangered species for decades. That’s why it is essential to educate anyone who is still wondering, “Are blue whales endangered?” The answer is yes, but their numbers can be replenished with the proper conservation interventions. Why Are Blue Whales Endangered? Whale oil…
August 3, 2023
National Dog Day 2023: How To Celebrate Your Furry Friend Today
Most dog owners don’t need an excuse to spoil their furry family members. Nevertheless, having a reason to go overboard for your pup is still fun. National Dog Day falls on August 26th and provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate your loyal and beloved four-legged companions. If you’re looking for ideas to help you make…
August 1, 2023
Building Stronger Teams in Sunny San Diego: Private Yacht Charters for Corporate Events
When it comes to team building in San Diego, businesses are best served by thinking outside the box. That’s why chartering a private yacht for your team is such an attractive option, as it can help staff members develop stronger bonds in a fun and thrilling environment. A private yacht charter is the perfect place…
August 1, 2023
Where To See Blue Whales in San Diego: Planning a Memorable Blue Whale-Watching Experience
Blue whales are the largest animals, and they are also considered to be endangered species. Fortunately, the largest population of blue whales is off the coast of California, and blue whale watching is prevalent in San Diego. With great year-round weather and the abundance of krill off the coast, San Diego is the place to…
July 28, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Summer Boating in San Diego: Top Destinations Insider Tips
Are you planning a trip to San Diego but need help figuring out what to do while there? One excellent option is boating in the summer. San Diego not only has pristine beaches, engaging museums, and exciting theme parks, but it also has incredible hiking, incredible parks, and fantastic water activities. Have you considered a…
July 28, 2023