San Diego Whale Watching: December 29th, 2018
Gray whale season is in full swing. Over the past nine days, we have seen whales every single day! Nine out of nine! That is pretty darn good. Today will be our tenth day. Do you think we will see gray whales? Want to make a bet?
Spoiler Alert: We Found A Gray Whale!
This whale was not a bird in hand by any means. We had to search high and low. As soon as we left the dock, we checked in with our fellow whale watchers. Unfortunately for us, we were on our own today.
Captain Troy headed south towards the Coronado islands. Although it was a little chilly, the sun was out and the water was beautiful and calm. We had our dear friends, Theresa and Johnny, come visit. Johnny even brought his uncle, Brian, all the way from Ireland! Like many of our passengers, he has never seen a California gray whale.

Theresa, Johnny, and Uncle Brian!
Here at Next Level Sailing, every single trip is important to us. We realize that many guests come from near and far to see a California gray whale. This is a once in a lifetime experience for many, so we make each trip the best it can be. Therefore, we only offer one whale watching trip per day, just in case we need to run a little late to find a whale. We take our whale watching guarantee very seriously because we want you, our passengers, to see a whale.
Although it was a beautiful sail south, Captain Troy decided to head up north by the kelp beds off Sunset Cliffs. Lo and behold, we found a gray whale! This California gray whale was swimming south at about 3.5 knots in 60-80 ft of water. It was swimming alongside the kelp bed, a natural barrier for these gorgeous animals. This gray would come up to breath 3 times and then dive down for about 5 minutes.

Gray Whale off Point Loma
After sailing with this whale for a few sets, we waved goodbye and headed for home at the San Diego Maritime Museum.