San Diego Whale Watching: December 22, 2018
We sailed up north today as we heard reports of a gray whale swimming just off of Mission Bay. When we arrived close to the location where he was last seen, we saw a spout in the distance. Then another spout. This gray whale was traveling south, just like hundreds of other gray whales at this time of year.
As we circled around to follow his southbound migration, there was a loud cheer from our guests. BREACH!!! We quickly turned and saw this massive gray whale jumping out of the water. There was a huge splash. Suddenly, the whale breached again! Everyone looked at each other in disbelief, it is very rare for a gray whale to breach. Even more surprising, this gray whale breached a third time!
Both and crew and guests were in awe. You really get an idea of the shear size of these gray whales when they jump out of the water. On average, gray whales can reach 39 ft and weigh up to 60,000 lbs. That is a lot of body to push up into the air!

Breaching Gray Whale

What a fabulous day of whale watching. We will see you tomorrow!
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