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Yacht America’s Tour: A Conversation Worth 23,500 Miles

On April 13th, 2016, the Yacht America, a replica of the schooner that gave the America’s Cup its name, embarked on the most epic adventure. Captain Troy Sears and his crew left the home port of San Diego to visit more yacht clubs than any other vessel in the history of the United States.

But why would someone go to such great lengths to accomplish this?

To have a conversation with North America’s yachting community about the America’s Cup.

Over the next 23,500 miles, the Yacht America visited over 100,000 guests and nearly 100 yacht clubs. Captain Troy, who has been actively involved in the America’s Cup for over 30 years, was able to talk with sailing communities all along the U.S. East Coast.

Troy was able to meet with the younger generation that knows very little about the America’s cup as well as the older generation that has opinions about the changing state of the competition. There are many opposing beliefs surrounding the America’s Cup, which can help fuel a conversation that ties two generations of sailing together.

It’s an exciting time for Captain Troy and the vessel America. By talking to guests about the history of the Cup and the future of sailing, both experienced and new sailors can get excited about this sport that offers so much more than just cruising around on the water. When you learn to sail, you also learn skills such as self-reliance and converting fear into confidence.

sailboat whale watching

As Captain Troy sailed from one yacht club to another aboard the famous America, generating awareness for the 35th America’s Cup, he was able to bring a living history to hundreds of sailing communities.

From the moment America left the San Diego Bay to when she returned 312 days later, Captain Troy and his crew experienced all sorts of adventures that helped shape them into better sailors and better people. After venturing through the Panama Canal twice, facing multiple hurricanes, and encountering endless amounts of challenges, this epic journey has shown how nothing is going to stop America from traveling around the world to have a conversation with people about sailing.