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Fear of Sea Sickness

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The fear of being sick at sea is extremely common and leaves many people feeling tentative when it comes to participating in sea events. The question is always asked, “can you get seasick on a yacht?” The answer is, yes. However, when it comes to Next Level Sailing charter options, we are proud to promise a no sea sickness guarantee. Due to our smooth sailing skills and knowledge of which weather conditions make for the best trips, you can go out feeling comfortable and confident. If you are really nervous about sea sickness, don’t be afraid to call. The crew at Next Level Sailing will be able to tell you about the sea conditions a week in advance of your trip. 

All boats have three movements when cruising in the bay or ocean: pitch, roll, and yaw. If the sea is flat, there is hardly any movement in either of these directions. Guests won’t even notice that they are on the water. If you are planning a special event on the water and you don’t want to risk the idea of getting sea sick, plan your trip aboard the Yacht America and stay in the San Diego Bay. We have never had a single person get seasick on the Yacht America since 2003 while sailing in the San Diego Bay.  

The ocean is not always calm. When there is swell, guests will feel a boat pitch, roll, and yaw. If the swell increases, the movements will become more and more apparent. All three movements are especially obvious when cruising on powerboats. Since the Yacht America is a very large sailboat with a draft of 11 feet, we have virtually no yaw. By cutting out this movement, the ride is much more comfortable and passengers benefit dramatically. Our past statistics state only 1 out of 400 passengers gets seasick, further validating our claim. If you are still feeling uneasy, read below for some more information on the causes of this discomfort and tips on how to avoid sea sickness. 

So, what exactly is the cause of being seasick? Typically, when being immersed within the ocean, the swaying motion of the boat triggers your state of nausea and uneasiness. Your sensory system is completely thrown off balance when a boat moves in all three directions: pitch, roll, and yaw. It becomes difficult for your body to track movement which leads to disorientation. The Yacht America has virtually no yaw, cutting out one of the movements. 

Tips On How To Keep From Getting Seasick:

Fresh Air. Stay above deck! Fresh air is extremely beneficial as it refreshes your senses and allows for a sense of calmness.

Sit or stand towards the middle of the ship. The middle of the ship has the most stability. In addition, you aren’t close to the edge so you can avoid watching the motion of the boat against the waves. Or, if you like the idea of being close to the water so you don’t miss out too much on your whale watching tour, fixate your gaze on the horizon to allow yourself to recalibrate. Don’t forget to breathe! 

Motion Sickness Medicine. Ask your healthcare provider if you can take motion sickness medication such as Bonine and Dramamine. It is helpful to take a half dose the night before your trip, then take a full dose a few hours before your trip starts. This way it is already in your system. Don’t bother taking any medicine if you feel sick, it will be too late. Always check with your healthcare provider before taking any medication. 

Ginger. Whether you eat it raw or have it brewed into tea, ginger is a natural remedy that is known to settle stomachs. For a snack, crackers and apples have also been known to help this cause.

Water. Seems like an obvious choice, but when you’re out on an adventure at sea, drinking water sometimes escapes the mind. However, staying hydrated has and always will be the number one cure. 

Don’t Drink Alcohol. Before or during, alcohol will only heighten your state of nausea. 

Don’t Go Down Below. Whatever you do, stay above deck. If you go down below, your body will become very disoriented and you will become immediately seasick.